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34 new social housing units in Cushendall

local news Jun 28, 2023
Cushendall Social Housing

SDLP Deputy Mayor Councillor Margaret Anne McKillop has welcomed 34 new social housing units in Cushendall.

Councillors gave planning approval for the new homes at Kilnadore Brae at a meeting of the Planning Committee on Wednesday.

Glens Councillor McKillop said: “These new social housing units will be a huge boost to an area that has been crying out for new housing for years. In Cushendall and right across the Glens we have great housing stress and need, with waiting lists getting longer all the time. These new homes will mean that a number of families can get off these waiting lists and build a life for themselves in a home of their own.

“I understand that some objections have been submitted to these plans, but I believe these homes will be welcomed by the vast majority of people in Cushendall, and that we can work together with local residents to address any concerns that may arise as a result of this development. When we face such a dire housing situation we can’t afford to pass up an opportunity like this.

“While I know that we still have some way to go to address the acute housing need in this area and the prevalence of second homes that forces many local people to leave the area where they grew up and their families, this is an important step and I will continue to work alongside my SDLP colleagues on behalf of the local community to find further solutions.”

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