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£700K National Lottery funding supports wellbeing in Causeway Coast and Glens area

local news Oct 23, 2023

The National Lottery Community Fund has awarded over £700,000 across 13 community organisations, who are bringing people together and supporting wellbeing in the Causeway Coast and Glens Council area.

The news comes as part of an announcement of over £6million of funding to 145 organisations across Northern Ireland. 

Based in Coleraine:  

Causeway Rural and Urban Network (CRUN) has been awarded a £499,764 grant over five years to support adults in the Causeway area to manage their health and wellbeing through tailored action plans and group activities.  

Ann McNickle, CRUN Manager talking about this innovative new project said: “We are delighted to receive this National Lottery grant to support our local community as they take steps to improve their wellbeing through ‘Health Empowerment for Local People’ - The HELP Project.  

“This project will reduce pressure on health services by supporting people who don’t want or need medication, but could benefit from help to get active, have social connections, reduce stress and anxiety and learn more about managing long term conditions. Helping people at the first opportunity before their condition gets worse, or to prevent ill health is key for wellbeing and to reduce the need for emergency health services in the area.  

“The project will run programmes such as personal development, building resilience, stress management, self-care, nutrition, exercise, and therapeutic arts. These sessions will build confidence and give people the tools to take control of their health alongside or in place of medical support.   

“Local people can be referred to the HELP project by their health and social care professional and we look forward to working in collaboration with medical and community representatives to reduce health inequalities throughout our community."  

Causeway Multi-Cultural Forum in Coleraine is using a £9,974 grant to promote cultural diversity and inclusion in the area. The project will run a Culture and Language café, organise cultural celebration events, and run wellbeing activities.  

Building Ballysally Together has been awarded a £10,000 grant to run activities and seasonal events for the local community. The project will improve community spirit, build relationships and reduce social isolation.  

Butterfly Survivors is using a £9,970 grant to set up a drop-in service and deliver activities for vulnerable and marginalised adults. Activities will help develop people to connect, improve their confidence and learn skills.  

Based in Ballymoney area:  

Breast Friends Causeway Coast, which operates in Ballymoney, Coleraine and Portstewart are using a £2,840 grant to support cancer patients and their families to connect, relax and improve their mental health and wellbeing.  

Stepping Stones Cross Community Playgroup in Ballymoney is using a £7,700 grant for educational trips and to update their play equipment to provide more learning opportunities for young children. 

Cloughmills Golden Oldies received an £8,785 grant to restart activities for older people in the community to promote social interaction and improve wellbeing following the pandemic. Activities include pottery, macrame, day trips, and a Christmas dinner.  

Dunloy Stronger Together is using a £10,000 grant to run activities and events for all ages within the community to combat isolation, reduce anti-social behaviour and build relationships. Activities include seasonal events, parent and toddler groups, health and wellbeing support for older people and recreational activities for young people.  

Based in Bushmills/Ballycastle/Moyle area  

Friends of Glenariffe has received a £194,112 grant to run activities in their centre for people in Glenariffe and the surrounding areas. Over three years the project will build social connections, improve health and wellbeing and increase skills within the community. Activities include a Hen’s Shed, cooking on a budget, post-natal fitness programme, Carers support group, social events for older people, volunteer training, Martial Arts for young people and an afterschool's club.  

Fern Major, Programme Manager, Friends of Glenariffe, said: “We're delighted to receive this funding from The National Lottery Community Fund to support our Glens Rural Health and Wealth project. This project will enable us to provide a range of activities for all ages in the local community to help improve mental and physical health and wellbeing and reduce social isolation."  

Age NI received £5,500 grant to deliver their Living Well Moyle service to support older people in rural and hard to reach areas, who are the most vulnerable and lonely.  

Sandra Watton from Living Well Moyle said: “Isolation is a huge factor affecting mental and physical health, particularly people not getting help early, meaning smaller concerns can turn more serious. Thanks to this money we can recruit volunteers and reach more people.”  

Local woman Maureen, who is being supported by the service, said: “I was recently widowed and the volunteer Sheila coming to see me is such a help, it’s actually the highlight of my week. I love having a chat over a cup of tea. It’s a real life-line and keeps me connected to the area.”  

Bushmills & District Community Association is using a £7,045 grant to provide activities for older members to improve their physical and mental health. Activities include chair exercises and arts and crafts.  

Based in Limavady area:  

Kids Inn After School Club, which is based in Greysteel, is using a £10,000 grant to create an outdoor area where children can safely play outdoors, connect to nature and improve their wellbeing.  

St Finlough's Community Centre in Ballykelly is using a £9,960 grant to make improvements to their toilet facilities including an accessible toilet and baby changing area to make their centre inclusive for everyone.  

National Lottery players raise over £30 million each week for good causes like these throughout the UK. The majority of grants awarded are for small amounts that can make a big difference in communities.  

Kate Beggs, Northern Ireland Director of The National Lottery Community Fund commented: “Congratulations to the wide range of groups receiving funding, all making a big impact. We look forward to seeing what they achieve in their area.  

“We launched our new strategy 'It starts with community' earlier this year which is the roadmap for our funding up to 2030. We are developing our future portfolio of funding programmes over the next year to ensure National Lottery money continues to make a difference to communities across NI.”  

If you have a project idea and would like to find out more about National Lottery funding, get in touch with Iain McAfee, Funding Officer for Causeway Coast and Glens by emailing [email protected] or call 028 9055 1455. 

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