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Ballycastle Improvement Scheme Moves Ahead

visit causeway coast and glens Oct 15, 2024
 Ballycastle Improvement Scheme

Plans to upgrade Ballycastle's town centre are moving forward after Councillors approved the final design for the Environmental Improvement Scheme this evening, subject to ratification at full council later this month.

Construction will start once the Business Case is approved and funding is secured from the Department for Communities and the Council.

The upgrades will focus primarily on the Diamond area and include improvements to paving at Ann Street, Castle Street, and Fairhill Street, with plans to:

  • Expand the Diamond area for events and pedestrians.
  • Adjust road markings to improve traffic flow.
  • Resurface footpaths, add new lighting, and update street furniture.

From January to March 2024, the consultation process included public events, surveys, and weekly drop-in sessions to gather feedback.

Consultees during the process included elected representatives, the Ballycastle Town Forum, local traders, the U3A group, residents, visitors, the Inclusive Mobility and Transport Advisory Committee (IMTAC), and the Equality/Diversity Forum.

While most responses were positive, some concerns about traffic flow and cobblestones led to design changes.

Sinn Féin Councillor Cara McShane welcomed the progress, highlighting the scheme's potential to revitalise the town centre and make it more welcoming for residents and visitors.

She emphasised that these improvements would create a more attractive, functional space for the community.

Cllr McShane said:

"I’m delighted that Council has approved the final concept designs for Ballycastle following comprehensive consultations with the public.

"A key feature is the expansion of the Diamond area, which will be future-proofed for community events, complete with pop-up power points.

"This scheme will help maximise opportunities in the Diamond for festivals, fairs and various events and to support our businesses in the town centre."

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