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Ballymoney Spring Fair's Lorry Procession Cancellation Sparks Local Outrage

local news Apr 13, 2024

In a surprising turn of events, Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council yesterday announced the cancellation of the lorry procession, a long-standing highlight of the Ballymoney Spring Fair's annual carnival parade. This decision has not only disappointed but also angered many locals and participants who looked forward to this tradition each year.

The council stated that the cancellation was necessary for crowd safety, emphasising that the safety of the public at any event is their utmost priority. However, this explanation has not sat well with the community, as the council has not provided detailed reasoning or shared the risk assessment that led to this decision. 

Instead, they published minimal information and disabled comments on their social media accounts, preventing ratepayers from voicing their opinions and concerns.

For years, the lorry procession has been a vibrant part of the spring festivities, bringing together drivers from all over the region and offering a unique spectacle for attendees.

The lack of transparency from the council has only fuelled the community's frustration. "We deserve to know the specific reasons behind such a significant change to our festival," said a local business owner who benefits from the influx of visitors each year.

Participants who have invested time and resources in preparing for the event feel especially disregarded. One driver expressed, "It's not just about driving through the town; it's about being part of a tradition that brings joy to so many faces. To cancel it without proper explanation feels disrespectful."

While the council reassures that the remaining activities in the parade and fair program will be welcomed by locals and the business community, the sentiment on the ground tells a different story. Many feel that the fair will lose a part of its identity without the lorry procession. "It's like taking the heart out of the celebration," remarked a parade-goer from last year.

The community calls for a more open dialogue with the council to better understand the decision-making process and explore possible ways to safely reinstate the lorry procession this year and in future events.  

Updated statement issued by Council - 16th April 2024

Causeway Coast & Glens Council has this morning issued an additional statement regarding the cancellation of the truck procession at the Ballymoney Spring Fair.
"Whilst the format used for cavalcading of trucks in previous years at the Ballymoney Spring Fair parade was deemed unsuitable for the 2024 event, the Tourism Events Team has offered to work alongside local hauliers and explore alternatives. These options included trucks being part of the cavalcade route outside  areas deemed as high risk.
The representatives for hauliers were also offered static displays at the new Lidl car park and other car parks, with the possibility of joining the parade route, again outside high-risk areas." 

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