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Boost for Bushmills: New 5G Mobile Mast in Major Telecom Upgrade

local news May 25, 2024
Mobile Phone Mast Bushmills

A planning application has been submitted to Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council, proposing the replacement of an existing mobile phone mast on Straid Road, Bushmills, situated within the grounds of Bushmills Distillery. 

The current telecommunications site serves nearby residential properties and is poised for a significant upgrade. 

The proposed works involve replacing the 15-metre pole with a 22.5-metre monopole outfitted with six antennas, fifteen remote radio units, and two transmission dishes, among other ancillary equipment. 

This enhancement is not just a technological advancement but a necessary step to bolster 3G and 4G coverage for VMO2 and introduce new 5G services, essential for meeting the area's growing service demands.

Despite the increase in height, the new structure is designed to blend with the distillery's industrial setting and its adjacent residential areas, minimising visual impact. 

The slimline design will ensure it remains unobtrusive, maintaining the character of the local landscape. 

The upgrade promises substantial benefits, including improved network coverage, capacity, and connectivity, which are essential for meeting the area's growing service demands. 

This development underscores the importance of balancing aesthetic considerations with the significant economic, environmental, and social advantages it will bring to the Bushmills community.

The application will go before the Council's planning committee in the coming months.  

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