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Bushmills Salmon and Whiskey Festival showcases the best of the Borough once again

tourism visit causeway coast and glens Oct 11, 2023
Salmon & Whiskey Festival - Geoffrey Moffett

The Salmon and Whiskey Festival has made a welcome return to Bushmills this October and attendees were treated to a fantastic array of music and local artisan food.

Events spanned the whole weekend and were centred around the salmon and whiskey inspired taste trail alongside demonstrations from local chefs, including Paula McIntyre.

Visitors enjoyed the warm hospitality of Bushmills village with its array of local businesses while Bushmills Distillery and the Naturally North Coast & Glens Artisan Market provided opportunities to sample some of the local produce.

Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Steven Callaghan said: “I was delighted to attend this year’s Salmon and Whiskey Festival in Bushmills and it was great to see so many locals and visitors also there enjoying the event.

“The Causeway Coast is world renowned for its hospitality and it was wonderful to see this first hand in Bushmills village alongside a wonderful showcase of artisan food, craft, and music.

“I would like to thank everyone who made this year’s event the best so far including Council staff, the community and all the local businesses who showcased the finest Bushmills has to offer.”

The event was part funded by DAERA – NI Regional Food Programme, supported by the Bushmills Business Association.

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