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Choosing the Right Place for Your Hearing Aid: Why Independents Outshine High Street Retailers and the NHS

business Jul 03, 2023
Joy of Hearing

You've decided it's time to do something about your hearing, but, where should you get your hearing aid?

According to a recent online survey conducted by “Which?” consumer guide, ranking high street retailers, the NHS and independent hearing aid providers, the independents came out on top.

The 20 different areas looked at included quality of service, product offering and value for money. Many would have thought that the NHS would have topped the bill but as ex-NHS Audiologist, Joy Young, is aware, there are limitations of funding and resources.

Whilst the NHS does provide an invaluable service, waiting lists are getting longer and the technology available on the NHS is lagging by up to 5 years on what is actually available privately today.

Where independents won, was on the quality of service and the range they are able to offer.

High street chains tend to be tied to particular manufacturers, whereas, independents can access whichever technology best suits their patients’ needs.

Technology has moved on leaps and bounds since “Joy of Hearing” started out 12 years ago, particularly, in the last 2 years, the feedback from patients on the quality of sound has been unprecedented.

The sound has become more natural, much closer to your original hearing than ever before. In terms of features now available, rechargeable hearing aids are a godsend for those with impaired dexterity that would have struggled to replace batteries.

Smartphone connectivity has attracted younger users, where music and phone calls can be streamed directly to your hearing aids. There is even the facility for your audiologist to remotely adjust the settings on a hearing aid, via an app, should you be too far away for a face-to-face appointment. But it’s not just the technology that matters; it’s crucial that you deal with a quality provider.

The difference between a good and bad hearing aid result often comes down to the fitting, tailored adjustments and after-service. With over 20 years combined training and experience, Joy of Hearing really focuses on getting the best results for the patient.

If you would like to arrange an appointment for a hearing aid consultation or micro-suction / ear wax removal, please call Joy of Hearing on 02870348030 or email [email protected] www.joyofhearing.co.uk

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