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Coleraine FC’s Leading Lady - Laura Lagan

local news Jul 14, 2023
Laura Lagan - Geoffrey Moffett

Just like every team needs a captain to lead them to victory, every successful football club needs someone behind the scenes, calling the shots and making sure everything runs smoothly. And at Coleraine Football Club, that person is none other than Laura Lagan - the team's general secretary.

Laura is no stranger to hard work. She juggles her day-to-day job at McKendry Fabrications, her role at Coleraine FC, and being a mother to her 16-year-old son, but she takes everything in her stride, and her passion for football and her love of the sport keeps her going.

“I took on the job in November 2021 when club chairman Colin McKendry asked me to take on a few extra hours,” explained Laura. “Those few hours have grown and grown and to be honest it’s like having two full time jobs now.”

Laura's responsibilities as the general secretary of Coleraine FC are extensive and demanding, something few fans realise. Her duties range from managing invoices and forwarding them to the accountant, to dealing with  player contracts and handling UEFA licensing for the club's participation in European competitions. On match days, the pressure only intensifies as she oversees numerous aspects of the game to ensure its smooth operation.

“It’s non-stop, no two days are the same for me,” added Laura. “It’s a busy job during the week and then on match day things ramp up again.”

Despite the challenges she faces and working in what is still deemed as ‘a man’s world’, Laura thrives in her role having been welcomed warmly by the team at Coleraine FC.

“Everyone was more than helpful to me and they treat me with a great deal of respect," she said. "There have been so many people willing to help me, from within the club to NIFL  (Northern Ireland Football League) and the IFA (Irish Foorball Association). I've always been one of the lads anyway, so I don't feel I get treated any differently to anyone else.

“I’ve always had an interest in football and my son and I are both big Manchester United fans. I was always sporty myself so I love being involved in Coleraine FC.”

The club's recent application to the Levelling Up Fund to help with the redevelopment of their base at The Showgrounds was unfortunately unsuccessful in round two. However, Laura remains hopeful that they will be successful in the third tranche of funding.

If plans proceed, her role could increase further, a challenge she is more than capable of taking on.

“Obviously I would love to do this as a full-time job and oversee the running of the facilities," she said. “It would be a big step up, but one I would relish tackling. It would be great for the town and surrounding area, not just the club, if we are successful in the third round of the Levelling Up Fund."

Coleraine FC has made great strides in recent years in getting the local community involved, from schools to businesses, and that has paid dividends with increased attendance numbers at matches.

“We get great support from all around the town and further afield and local businesses have been very supportive of us,” added Laura. “I would like to see the club continue to build on our relationship with the community and obviously enjoy success on the pitch, it all goes hand in hand. The love people of the area have for the club is unbelievable.”

Laura's journey is a remarkable testament to her unwavering perseverance and commitment to her goals.

Over a decade ago, while raising her three-year-old son, she enrolled at Magee University to study law. Despite graduating with a 2:1 degree, she encountered difficulty finding a job, however, she refused to be discouraged.

“I couldn’t get a job anywhere after I graduated. Eventually I got a job in an office and bit by bit I have worked my way up the ladder. I am very proud of what I have achieved, it has been hard work but I wouldn’t change it.”

As Laura continues to excel in her role as secretary of Coleraine FC, it's not far-fetched to imagine her taking on even greater responsibilities if the club’s aspirations for redevelopment are successful.

Whatever the future holds, it's clear that Laura's hard work and dedication will undoubtedly continue to fuel her success.

This article is part of the Our CQ Summer Edition - To read more - click here.

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