
Coleraine Town Hall Undergoes Detailed Survey To Address Maintenance Needs

causeway coast community Dec 10, 2024
Coleraine Town Hall

Causeway Coast & Glens Council has undertaken an extensive programme of condition surveys across 110 of its properties, aiming to develop a comprehensive lifecycle maintenance strategy for its key buildings. 

Among the properties under review is the historic Coleraine Town Hall. Over recent days, surveyors have conducted a detailed assessment of the entire building, employing advanced tools, including drone technology, to evaluate hard-to-reach areas such as the roof and tower.

The drone footage has been instrumental in identifying potential issues, including loose tiles and flashings, which may require remedial action. Council officers have also reported evidence of damp ingress around the tower area, though further investigation is required to determine the exact cause. The final report will include the findings, which will guide the necessary repairs.

Once the underlying issues have been fully diagnosed, the council has pledged to carry out remedial work "as soon as practicable" to ensure the building remains in good condition.

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