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Council announces collaboration with local food producers at Visitor Information Centres

local news visit causeway coast and glens Aug 10, 2023
Naturally North Coast and Glens - Geoffrey Moffett

Savor the exciting flavours of the local area, as Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council announces its collaboration with the award winning Naturally North Coast and Glens CIC, Seasons of the Glens farm shop.

This pop-up shop will now feature in Visitor Information Centres (VIC) across the Borough, offering visitors and locals a chance to indulge in an exciting array of locally produced culinary delights.

Supported by Council, the initiative serves as an important platform for local makers to promote their produce and creative pieces, elevating the significance of our VICs. This partnership offers yet another compelling reason for both residents and visitors to explore the varied offerings within their local centres.

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the 7th - 8th of October, when the Bushmills Visitor Information Centre will host local produce sampling sessions during the much-anticipated Salmon and Whiskey Festival. This exciting event presents a golden opportunity to try a wide array of the finest local foods.

Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Steven Callaghan, expressed his enthusiasm for the collaboration, stating: "Our Visitor Information Centres provide a valuable resource for the public, showcasing destinations and products from within the Borough while providing expert personalised advice for visitors on how best to enjoy the wonderful area.

“Our centres offer an already impressive array of handmade products and gifts, now expanded with Seasons of the Glens exceptional range of locally produced artisan foods.

“Well done to Council's Visitor Servicing Team who have successfully collaborated with Naturally North Coast and Glens CIC to bring this expanded offer to fruition, and I would encourage everyone to call into to their local VIC to support our artisan producers and shop locally.”

Shauna McFall, speaking on behalf of Naturally North Coast and Glens CIC, added: “We are a not-for-profit social enterprise set up to support artisan makers, producers, and artists, bringing communities together and revitalising urban and rural spaces through the delivery of our markets.

“The Seasons of the Glens pop-up farm shop, initiated in 2019, has played a pivotal role in bringing additional products from local makers to market. This service then expanded to include an online store, making our local produce accessible nationwide. 

“Collaborating our farm shop with the local Visitor Information Centres allow us to collectively meet a common goal of supporting our local food sector. The Causeway Coast and Glens region earned an impressive 36 Great Taste Stars in 2023 alone. Many of this year's and previous year's award-winning products are readily available at the retail outlets within the Visitor Information Centres, inviting you to taste the excellence of the area."

Whether you're a local resident or a traveling visitor, the Visitor Information Centres serve as the perfect point of contact for staying informed about the latest happenings in the area, while allowing you to immerse yourself in, and purchase, some of the world's best produce right here in Causeway Coast and Glens.

For more information, including opening hours, about participating Visitor Information Centres click here.

You can find out more about The Seasons of The Glens Farm Shop here or Naturally North Coast and Glens Markets here 

Naturally North Coast and Glens CIC’s Seasons of The Glens products are now available to purchase at the Visitor Information Centres situated in:

  • Ballycastle
  • Ballymoney
  • Bushmills
  • Limavady
  • Portrush

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