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Councillor McShane Secures Unanimous Support for EV Charging Point Analysis

local news May 14, 2024

At tonight’s Environmental Committee meeting, Councillor Cara McShane tabled a motion requesting that the Department for Infrastructure undertake a comprehensive needs analysis of electric vehicle (EV) charging points across all 11 council areas in Northern Ireland.

The motion received unanimous support, marking a progressive step towards accommodating the growing demand for EV infrastructure.

Councillor McShane expressed her satisfaction shortly after the decision, stating, "I am delighted to get unanimous support from the Council committee tonight on our Sinn Féin motion for a needs analysis across the North on EV charging points. There is a growing demand, particularly as a tourist destination in Causeway Coast & Glens."

The motion underscores the increasing necessity for a robust EV charging network, especially in regions attracting substantial tourist traffic. T

The Causeway Coast & Glens area, known for its scenic beauty and tourist attractions, stands to benefit significantly from enhanced EV infrastructure. As the popularity of electric vehicles continues to rise, both residents and visitors will require more accessible and reliable charging facilities.

This initiative by Councillor McShane aims to ensure that Northern Ireland can meet the future demands of EV users, supporting both environmental goals and the needs of the tourism sector.

The proposed needs analysis will provide valuable insights into where additional charging points are most required, helping to guide future infrastructure developments and investments.

The unanimous support for this motion reflects a shared commitment across the council to embrace sustainable transportation solutions and enhance Northern Ireland's appeal as a forward-thinking, eco-friendly destination.

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