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Cyril’s heartfelt donation to help save lives

local news Oct 09, 2023

Cyril Acheson, local Coleraine man, has made an incredible donation of £2,000 to the Air Ambulance NI charity. From his living room window, Cyril regularly sees the red helicopter flying past on its way to Causeway Hospital or back to the airbase and the frequency of its need in the local area inspired him to give.

Cyril said, “I know the air ambulance is a charity that needs support to help it keep going.  I thought about leaving a gift in my Will when I was gone but a friend suggested I make the donation now and it made perfect sense.  It feels good to know it will help someone who is need whether that is a child or adult anywhere across the province.”

Kerry Anderson, from the charity met with Cyril to thank him personally and let him know a little about the service and its impact.  She said, “It was lovely to meet Cyril, his friend Anne and nephew Jason.  Cyril’s kindness and generosity in thinking of others is heart-warming.   The air ambulance is needed on average twice a day by critically ill or injured people across Northern Ireland.   We are so grateful to Cyril and all those who make donations in their lifetime or as a gift in Will.  As a local charity, we aspire to raise £2.5m to sustain and develop the service to ensure it is here for all who need it.”

The charity Air Ambulance Northern Ireland, in partnership with the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service, provides the Helicopter Emergency Medical Service for Northern Ireland.  The service brings urgent medical assistance to anywhere in the province, operating seven days a week for 12 hours per day. The HEMS team attend patients who are seriously ill or injured, bringing emergency pre-hospital care direct to the casualty with the aim of saving lives, brains and limbs.  The aircraft can reach anywhere in Northern Ireland in approximately twenty-five minutes.

On average the medical team are called upon twice every day, whether that is as a result of a serious road traffic collision, farm or workplace accident, sport and leisure incident or a serious medical emergency.

Any patients or families of the HEMS are welcome to visit the airbase and should get in touch with Air Ambulance NI by calling 028 9262 2677.

As a local charity, Air Ambulance NI aspires to raise £2.5million each year to maintain and sustain this service so public donations are crucial. One of the simplest ways to support is by becoming a member of Club AANI and donating via a monthly or annual subscription. Find out more by visiting alternatively you can contact the charity directly by emailing [email protected] or calling 028 9262 2677.


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