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Dance to Enhance: Empowering Causeway Coast Communities Through Dance and Charity

business local news Feb 27, 2024
Dance to Enhance - Geoffrey Moffett

A collective of women from the Causeway Coast, who have come together to form a dance group aimed at empowering and inspiring others, are in the process of organising a masked ball to support local families affected by cancer.

The group, named Dance to Enhance, was established in January 2020 by Emma Louise Graham, who, alongside fellow members, had previously participated in several community-driven Strictly Come Dancing fundraising events.

Emma Louise shared, "We established Dance to Enhance as a means to leverage dance in assisting our surrounding community, whether through the creation of video campaigns or participation in dance-based fundraising activities."

This initiative underscores their commitment to using their passion for dance as a tool for community support and engagement.

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