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Deputy Mayor thanks all who supported recent RNLI fundraiser

local news Apr 06, 2024
Geoffrey Moffett

The Deputy Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens has thanked all those who came along to support her Easter RNLI fundraiser hosted in Café Cova, Cushendall.

The event generated over £1,000 for the charity and Deputy Mayor, Councillor Margaret-Anne McKillop was delighted to also be joined by the Mayor Councillor Steven Callaghan.

Those in attendance were treated to a visit from the Easter Bunny, a fantastic array of raffle prizes, a tombola, with lovely homemade treats being the icing on the cake.

Councillor McKillop was overwhelmed with the support and thanked everyone involved, saying: “This fundraiser would not have been possible without community support.

“I was keen to continue my support for the RNLI as it’s Mayor’s Charity but also because the charity is close to my heart and to the hearts of residents here in Cushendall.

“I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to every person who helped me, whether through donations of prizes and food or by coming along to the coffee morning. I am delighted to add over £1,000 to the funds both myself and the Mayor have raised for RNLI during our time in office.”

Both the Mayor and Deputy Mayor have now raised almost £10,000 for the RNLI with more events planned over the next few months. They would like to thank everyone who continues to support these events and the work of RNLI within the Borough to save lives.

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