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Digital Map Captures Uncharted Histories Along The Causeway Coast

tourism Mar 27, 2023
Digital Map -  Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust

Some may be familiar with stories of local fishermen of the Causeway Coast, but the Uncharted Histories Digital Map has caught a rich archive of local histories, places, buildings, and ordinary folk from across this special landscape.

On Tuesday 14th March, Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust were joined by invited guests, locals, and CCGBC Mayor Ivor Wallace, at Ballintoy Parish Hall for a night of talks to celebrate the Map’s launch after a year of development.

The Uncharted Histories Digital Map is an interactive platform which shares lesser known histories from the Causeway Coast, Portrush and Ballycastle. This free digital resource brings together photos, audio and video telling the stories of people and place, showcasing information put forward by the local community. This Map was developed as part of the Uncharted Histories of the Causeway Coast project, which seeks to gather, map, record and make accessible histories from across the Causeway Coast Area of Outstanding Natural beauty.

Mayor Ivor Wallace said: “It's fascinating to see how new technologies can be used so effectively to make our local history more accessible for everyone. Council is pleased to support the Uncharted Histories project and values the partnership between Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust and Council’s Museum Services to make the project’s resources freely available through the Northern Ireland Community Archive”.

The launch event also heard talks by the Map’s designer James Bamford (North Mapping Services) who highlighted its features and ease of use. While Marine Archaeologist Colin Dunlop presented on brand new discoveries made along the Causeway Coast using LiDAR scanning technology, which delighted even the most knowledgeable of local guests!

CCGHT Project Officer Rachael Garrett issued her thanks to members of the local community and heritage groups who submitted information to the project, “the Uncharted Histories project and map would not be possible without your input and kind contributions, we greatly appreciate all your help and support”.

The Uncharted Histories project will have an exhibition at Ballymoney Museum in Autumn 2023. Contact [email protected] for more information on the project or opportunities.

The Causeway Coast and Glens Heritage Trust charity was established in 2002 as a partnership body devoted to protecting and enhancing the unique natural, built & cultural heritage of the Causeway Coast and Glens area, including the Binevenagh Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Causeway Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Antrim Coast and Glens Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and the Giant’s Causeway and Causeway Coast World Heritage Site.  It includes representation from the Causeway Coast & Glens and Mid & East Antrim Borough Councils in partnership with representatives from the environment, the community, the education, the farming and the tourism sectors.

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