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Downhill Beach and Causeway Coast provide backdrop for new TV series B&B by the Sea

local news Apr 05, 2023
B&B by the Sea

Images of our beautiful beaches and countryside will be beamed into homes across GB over the coming months, with the first episode of a new series, B&B by the Sea, set to air on BBC Two next Monday (10 April).

The 15-part series – which was devised by Afro-Mic Productions, a Belfast-based production company, and supported by Tourism Ireland and Northern Ireland Screen – follows 15 different celebrities as they leave behind their busy lifestyles to relax and unwind in a tranquil B&B overlooking Downhill Beach. The first episode features Dragons’ Den investor, Deborah Meaden, who is welcomed by B&B host Sharon McIlveen, Michelin-starred chef Alex Greene, gardener Mary Anne Farenden and local driver Rory O’Kane.

During the series, viewers will see beautiful images of the Causeway Coast and will also discover why Northern Ireland food and drink is some of the best in the world. They will see Deborah cooking a meal for the first time; sprinter Linford Christie experiencing open water swimming in the Atlantic Ocean; former Paralympian swimmer Ellie Simmonds taking a tour of the Causeway Coast by boat; and actress Nina Wadia learning how to make chocolate truffles with local chocolatier Geri Martin.

Judith Cassidy, Tourism Ireland’s Acting Head of Great Britain, said: “Tourism Ireland was delighted to support the production of B&B by the Sea. With a large audience right across GB set to watch the series on BBC Two from next week, it’s a great way to shine a spotlight on Northern Ireland – highlighting our spectacular coastline, beaches and countryside, as well as our locally produced food and drink. It will remind viewers across GB why Northern Ireland is a great choice for a holiday.

“Publicity and broadcasts like this are a key element of Tourism Ireland’s programme of activity, to encourage travellers in GB to put Northern Ireland on their holiday wish-list for 2023.”

Our locally produced food and drink are a key element of each episode, with the celebrity guests trying some of the many culinary highlights from the area – including whiskey from Bushmills Distillery, Corndale Farm chorizo, Glenarm organic salmon, locally caught seafood, as well as locally grown vegetables and dairy products. The celebrities will also have the chance to try their hand at creating some of our traditional recipes using local produce, alongside Michelin-starred chef Alex Greene.

This is the first time that B&B by the Sea will air in GB (it aired on BBC One Northern Ireland in late 2022).

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