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Experience the Joy of Hula Hooping at Skydance NI in Coleraine

local news Feb 29, 2024
Skydance NI Coleraine - Geoffrey Moffett

Are you looking for a fun and engaging way to stay fit while bonding with your loved ones? Look no further than Skydance NI's hula hoop classes, conveniently located at Score FC in Coleraine, Harpus Hill. Led by the talented instructor, Steph, these classes offer a unique blend of fitness and entertainment for participants of all ages.

One of the standout features of Skydance NI's hula hoop classes is the variety of options available. For those wanting to share the joy of hula hooping with their daughters, the Mum and Daughter classes are a perfect fit. These classes take place every Tuesday from 4:30-5:15pm, providing a delightful after-school activity that allows mothers and daughters to connect while learning new skills.

If you're seeking a more adult-focused experience, the Adult Only classes are held on the same day, from 6:00-6:45 pm. Whether you're a hula hooping enthusiast or a complete beginner, these classes cater to all skill levels, ensuring a supportive environment for everyone to enjoy.

At the heart of Skydance NI's hula hoop classes is the passionate and experienced instructor, Steph. With her dynamic teaching style and infectious enthusiasm, Steph creates an atmosphere where participants feel comfortable and motivated.

Skydance NI provides hula hoops for all participants.

To Contact Steph and Join these classes you can find her at @skydanceni on Facebook and Instagram. Alternatively, you can contact her at 07802631677 for more information. Bookings can be made directly using the following link:

Whether you're a parent looking for a unique bonding experience with your child or an adult seeking a playful and effective fitness routine, Skydance NI's hula hoop classes offer something for everyone. Located at Score FC in Coleraine, Harpus Hill, these classes provide a refreshing and enjoyable approach to fitness. Embrace the joy of hula hooping and join the Skydance NI community today!

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