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Explore Causeway Coast & Glens Reaches 40,000 Weekly Readers!

local news Apr 08, 2024
Explore Causeway Coast & Glens - Geoffrey Moffett

Explore Causeway Coast & Glens is a local news publication that stands out for its positive and community-driven content. In an industry where negative headlines are familiar, this online publication has found a unique niche in Northern Ireland. With approximately 40,000 readers each week, it has become a popular source of news and information in the Borough.

At Explore Causeway Coast & Glens, the focus isn't just on delivering news; it's about showcasing what our region offers.

From heartwarming stories of community triumphs to exciting updates on local businesses, every article celebrates the vibrant tapestry that makes up our beloved Causeway Coast & Glens.

But it's not just the content that sets Explore Causeway Coast & Glens apart; it's the commitment to promoting local businesses. In a world where small businesses often struggle to be heard above the noise of more giant corporations, this publication is a powerful amplifier for entrepreneurs and artisans alike.

By featuring their stories and offerings, Explore Causeway Coast & Glens uplifts these businesses and fosters a sense of pride and support within the community.

Indeed, Explore Causeway Coast & Glens stands at the forefront of local news, delivering stories that resonate with readers on a personal level. Whether it's a feature on a family-run café or a profile of a community initiative, each piece reflects the heartbeat of our region.

Across all platforms, including social media channels, the publication boasts over 100,000 followers – a testament to its widespread appeal and influence in the digital sphere.

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