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Former Postie Robert Delivers A First-Class Read

local news Dec 11, 2023
Robert Ramsay MBE - Geoffrey Moffett

Robert Ramsay MBE spent many years providing first-class service as a postman, charity fundraiser, star of the pantomime and much much more.

This article is featured in the Winter edition of Our CQ Magazine - To explore more articles, please click here.

So it should be no surprise that he has now delivered a superb read detailing his action-packed life.

The Coleraine man has penned a book entitled 'A Boy from the Heights' which was released in November.

It's a riveting read recalling 40 years of service as a postie and over 30 years involved in the local pantomime.

Add in family life, charity work, years in Articlave Flute Band and his sporting interests, and it's clear to see there were plenty of subjects to write about!

Robert was one of 11 children born to Mae and Norman Ramsey from Drumard Drive in the town.

His first job was as a ledger clerk with Pickerings Foods.

"It was there I was able to play football and darts against various departments within the firm," recalled Robert.

As well as sports, there was always a passion for music and arts.

He was a member of Articlave Flute Band for 24 years - he played the side drum - and it was during this time that he got his first chance to appear on the 'big stage'.

That was with Ballymoney Choral Society in 'A Gypsy Princess'.

"I had the urge to do more after that," said the Buskin Way man.

And for 31 years, 'Rab', as he is also affectionately known, was a member of Coleraine Provincial Players.

"I started doing bit parts before ending up writing and producing numerous productions."

Not content with that, he starred alongside Arnold McCleary and the late David McClarty.

They took to the stage many times over the years, appearing as Ram and Mac.

The popular act appeared at hundreds of concerts and fundraisers, raising thousands of pounds for various charities.

It was during this time Robert met and married Hilary (Peden), and they had two sons, Steven and Paul.

A job change was next on the agenda as Robert joined Royal Mail.

"For 40 years, I had the pleasure of pounding the streets and, along with my colleagues, we raised funds for charities."

His selfless work was rewarded in 1997 with the ultimate MBE presented by Her Majesty the Queen.

The citation read, 'For services to Royal Mail and the community.'

"That was such a proud day, not just for me but for the whole family", said Robert.

Then came the difficult decision to bring down the curtain on his pantomime labour of love.

"Ill health was the main reason, exhaustion was another,” explained Robert.

"Not long after that, I decided to retire from Royal Mail too."

So with spare time - a rarity for so many years - Robert needed something to fill the void. And so the plans for 'A Boy from the Heights' took hold.

"The only things I had previously written were plays and sketches for the pantomime."

It proved to be a challenge but one he was well up for!

"Impact Printing was recommended to me, so off I went with my handwritten book under my arm. Fortunately, they liked what they read!"

Five chapters in the book covering Robert's life - family, Royal Mail, comedy, football and Articlave Flute Band, were then brought to life.

"With the help of Margaret Brownlow, who had to type my handwritten project, we were ready to go for publishing."

The book was launched at the Montra Club in Coleraine on November 18 and the Castlerock Community Association office on November 20.

"Castlerock has a special place in my heart as I was a postman there for 30 years of my service.

"It was a very special time in my life, and I'm delighted to be now able to share my memories with everyone."

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