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Former Spanboard Factory Site to Be Redeveloped for Mixed-Use Development

local news visit causeway coast and glens Aug 02, 2024
Spanboard Factory Site - Coleraine

A proposal of application notice to redevelop the former Spanboard Factory site in Coleraine has been submitted to Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council.

The proposal outlines a mixed-use development featuring employment, business, hospitality, community, and recreational spaces.

This proposal includes a commercial area, residential units, and a riverside path, with access improved via Curragh Road and Castleroe Road.

Public consultations will be held in September, allowing residents to voice their opinions and contribute to the planning process. 

The applicant is The Honourable Irish Society. 

The Honourable The Irish Society was established by Royal Charter in 1613 to carry out the Plantation in the northwest region of Ulster.

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