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Friends of Ballycastle Museum recognised for valuable contribution to local heritage

local news Feb 29, 2024

Mayor of the Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Steven Callaghan welcomed volunteers from the Friends of Ballycastle Museum to a special reception to show Council’s appreciation for their continued support of Ballycastle Museum.

The museum is home to a significant collection of items which explore the history of the area, including the beautiful Taise Banner, created for the first Feis na nGleann (Glens Feis) in 1904, the remarkable Irish Home Industries collection, an extensive art collection and fascinating local archaeology.

Councillor Callaghan said: “On behalf of Council, I would like to express our gratitude for the passion and dedication shown by the Friends of Ballycastle Museum. By supporting Council’s Museum Services and extending the museum’s opening hours beyond the summer, they have made Ballycastle’s heritage more accessible to all.

“With the support of a grant from the National Lottery heritage Fund, there are big plans ahead to restore, extend and refurbish Ballycastle Museum. We look forward to working alongside the Friends of Ballycastle Museum well into the future. Their local knowledge and expertise cannot be understated.”

On behalf of the Friends of Ballycastle Museum, Brian Molloy said: "We all enjoy having the opportunity to share our passion for our local history with the people we meet through the museum and often learn new things from our visitors.

“We are also thrilled to have been awarded Heritage Lottery Funding for the restoration and extension of the museum and are looking forward to working with Council’s Museum Services to maximise this opportunity, not only to enhance the museum but also to help with the regeneration of the Castle Street area of Ballycastle."

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