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From Warzones to Weddings - Rachel Cochrane

local news Jul 16, 2023
Rachel Cochrane - Geoffrey Moffett

Rachel Cochrane has graced the airwaves with her infectious energy and vibrant personality for almost two decades. From an early age, Rachel felt the allure of radio.

“I’ve loved radio my whole life,” she said. “I remember being at my granny’s house as a young child. She would have a radio on in the kitchen, living room, hall, bedroom, and greenhouse all at the same time. Even then I made the connection that the person chatting on the radio felt like a friend.
“I remember going to a careers meeting at school and telling them I wanted to work in radio – they told me to get a real job!

“I studied TV and Radio at university and knew without a doubt that I wanted to be a broadcaster from the first time I stepped into a studio and put on a set of headphones. The intimacy of being able to connect with people every day in their home, at work or in the car is really special.”

Rachel Cochrane's career took off as she volunteered for the British Forces Broadcasting Service (BFBS), where she presented her first local Saturday show.

“From there, I got a job with Q Radio,” she said. “My first shift was 2-6am and I was absolutely terrified, but I got such a buzz from it. What I’ve always loved about live radio is how immediate everything is, it’s so fast paced.”

After working in Coleraine with Q97.2, Rachel moved to the Drive Time show at Seven FM in Ballymena which was still part of the Q Radio network. Then, three years after she started volunteering with BFBS she got a call asking her to meet the Station Manager where she was offered a contract.

BFBS has been trailblazing the airwaves for 80 years, accompanying forces wherever they are deployed, connecting 23 countries and HMS ships from Canada to the Falklands and Gibraltar to Nepal.

“During any major conflict, the BFBS technology team have ventured to some extremely inhospitable places to set up so that BFBS could be broadcast to bring morale to the front line,” explained Rachel.

“In Northern Ireland we have a strong veteran community, so I try to champion as many veteran organisations as I can. So much has happened on our own soil and sometimes people just need a listening ear.

“During the week while I’m on the breakfast show in Northern Ireland I cater to the needs of our local listeners. Then on a Saturday I present a global show which is a great opportunity to showcase what’s happening across the forces world. The world is a big place but the forces community is tightly knit.”
Perhaps one of the most transformative experiences in Rachel's career was her deployment to Afghanistan, broadcasting from Camp Bastion.

“I was deployed to Afghanistan three times during Operation Herrick in 2010, 2012 and 2013. I also was detached to Cyprus for five months in 2017 to RAF Akrotiri. Afghanistan was a life changing experience for me – as it was for so many,” she confessed.

“ It was an emotional rollercoaster. Parents and spouses got up early in the UK to listen to the show because they knew their loved one was also listening and that helped them feel closer to them. I felt a lot of responsibility to our serving personnel in Afghanistan, but also to their families back home who were scared. I formed relationships with people I’ve never met and still hear from them.

“Recently I had to recreate a one-hour special from Afghanistan for an exhibition travelling around the UK. Hearing the voices of the people who I’d built relationships with, reading out the requests from a little girl for her daddy was so moving because it just transported me back in time, and as soon as I put up the mic to record that hour, I remembered the sound of the aircraft overhead, the colours, the smell of the desert and the aviation fuel.

“It was an experience I’ll never forget, and it was hard to come to terms with a lot of what happened out there. However, there were thousands of men and women who were putting their life on the line daily. Some didn’t come home and some returned with life changing injuries.”

Afghanistan was an opportunity Rachel had never anticipated when she set out on her career path, but one she cherishes.

“A farmer’s daughter from Coleraine being issued with body armour and flying on a C17 into a warzone was not the plan, but what an opportunity and experience. My parents were horrified that I volunteered to go there in the first place, however, it taught me so much.”

Beyond her radio work, Rachel also does voice overs. She has lent her voice to a diverse range of projects, from commercials and video games to charity campaigns and training programmes.

“Last year I was asked to be an Ambassador for Connections: Operation Link Life Mental Health and Suicide Awareness Training for veterans. I narrated the training programme which was something so close to my heart because I’ve seen first-hand what trauma looks like in the veteran community.”

Rachel recently trained to be a Celebrant to officiate weddings, christenings, and funerals.

“It was something I’ve always wanted to do after being asked to marry two of my best friends in Spain. My friends laugh at me when I say that I love love, but I really do.

“Last year I had an incredible experience in Lake Como, Italy where I played a pivotal role at the wedding of two close friends who met while we were deployed in Afghanistan in 2013.

“Recently family friends who live in Australia came home to have a naming dedication for their little boy with their families. I’m just getting started so that’s something I’d love to expand on.

“When not in the studio Rachel Cochrane can often be found along the North coast enjoying wild water swimming, listening to podcasts or spending time with family and friends.

“I’ve always been a bit of a water baby, but knowing the benefits of cold-water dipping, it’s something I try to do a few times a week now. There’s something special about the conversations people have when they’re trying to avoid being smashed on the side of a head by a wave.

“I do a lot of driving to and from work so I can listen to 10 podcasts a week. So recently, a few friends decided that we should start a podcast club. It’s mostly an excuse to meet up, eat good food, drink wine, and have a laugh with a bit of chat about what we’ve been listening to.

“I love spending my free time with an amazing network of friends and family, and I’ve got five little nieces who have stolen my heart, so I’d say that I’m pretty lucky."

This article is part of the Our CQ Magazine - Click here to read more.

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