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Coleraine BID, Council And Bann Rowing Club Welcome Olympic Gold Medal winner Hannah Scott Home

visit causeway coast and glens Aug 14, 2024
Bann Rowing Club

Many of the volunteer coaches from Bann had made the trip to Paris to witness Hannah and her teammates make history, as the first gold medal for Team GB and NI in the Women’s Quadruple Sculls. The historic race has already been hailed as a classic, with the girls storming to victory in the last few strokes ahead of the Netherlands, winning by 0.15 seconds in a nail-biting photo finish.

Hannah who became Northern Ireland’s first female gold medallist since Lady Mary Peters 52 years ago, took it all in her stride. In a post race interview she explained she knew they had it, urging the girls in the final strokes to get their heads down and go, adding they had been preparing for it for three years. Former Bann Coach, Seamus Reynolds recounts the story of the “Bann Wall” which is the point the Bann Rowers know the finish line is in sight.  “That’s just what she did that day!” he said.

The gold medal completes the collection of Olympic medals from former Bann Rowers, with two silver medals won by the Chamber’s brothers and a bronze medal won by Alan Campbell in the London 2012 Olympic Games.

The boy’s r triumphant return to Coleraine was witnessed by 13 year old Hannah who participated in the homecoming celebrations, inspiring her to become the first female Olympian from Bann. Hannah’s dad on hearing his daughter’s dream, promised Coach Geoff Bones that if she ever did, he would buy his tickets. That promise was honoured with Geoff and his wife Karen travelling with 42 Scott family and friends to Paris for an unforgettable trip.

The young quadruple scull team started  the Olympic Regatta  hot favourites, as current European and World Champions, adding extra pressure and spotlight. They delivered in style as fastest qualifiers, but as Mum, Sharon Scott well knows at this level of elite sport, nothing is guaranteed and anything can happen. We have seen it all during the many years of watching Hannah, with injury, weather, boat malfunctions and luck all being factors.

Hannah’s rowing career was in jeopardy a few years ago with a diagnosis of osteoporosis following multiple injuries.   Hannah worked with the experts in the Team GB Rowing Team and took part on some ground breaking research into female bone density and the impact of nutrition and hormones to reverse the diagnosis.  Hannah has been a passionate  exponent for female health ever since.

The journey to Paris and the dream outcome now delivered, Hannah is looking forward to getting home to the beaches of the North Coast. A small team was hastily pulled together to give Hannah the homecoming she herself had witnessed over 12 years ago.

Flying into Belfast International Airport, fresh from yet another live  interview with BBC Breakfast, a regular occurrence for NI’s new Olympic Medallist, Hannah was greeted by a small group of family and Bann Rowing Club Members and a BBC crew, before being whisked off in luxury SUVs, provided by local car dealer Autozone. She made the final stage of the journey in  soft top convertible, driven by Coach Geoff to an ecstatic welcome in Bann Rowing Club. Hannah walked the short distance from the club to the Town Hall for a civic reception laid on by the Mayor and Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, accompanied by a Guard of Honour provided by Junior Club Members, replicating the exact journey she herself had made 12 years ago. 

Hannah said

“Who knows the next Olympian Champion is walking alongside me today. I really hope so and the talent pool is definitely there.  I will be watching young Bann Rower, Ellie-Kate Hutchinson at the end of the month, who has been selected for the Team GB  U23  World Championships in Canada.  Bann, as a club is well known and respected across Ireland,   the UK and the United States. Scouts will now take notice and seek out young rowers for American University scholarships and national development  teams. They all joke there is something in the water here, but I know it is down to the spirit and dedication of the volunteer coaches and the club ethos. I made great friends from all sections of the community through rowing at Bann, many of them who were with me in Paris.  It was also very special for to put my gold medal round Geoff’s neck in Paris, as a big part of all this is down to him. I gave him plenty of grief when I was growing up, so it was nice to repay him a bit and see him dancing away in the Parc de Champions beneath the Eiffel Tour, during all the celebrations.

Captain of Bann Rowing Club, Keith Leighton said

“What a fantastic summer this has been for Hannah and the Club. She has done us proud yet again. She is a hugely talented and committed athlete and fully deserves reaching the pinnacle of Olympic Gold. A historic day for a historic club!”

Childhood Coach, Geoffrey Bones said

“The fantastic homecoming event is a culmination of 12 years of hard work for Hannah.  I am so delighted to play a small part in her journey to Paris.  It was amazing to watch the race live in Paris and see her cross the finish line in style. I knew she could do it. This is a great day for me and the entire Bann Rowing Club.

Mum, Sharon Scott added

“The Scott family and friends who travelled to Paris, or supported us from home, are indebted to the small group who pulled together such a fabulous celebration in such a short space of time. Representatives from the Council,  PSNI, Coleraine BID and local DJ Alan Simpson spent hours planning, with help from volunteers from  Community Rescue Service providing marshalling and Sea2It who even cleaned up the Bann, to deliver a homecoming  to mark the end of  an Olympic journey we will never forget.” 

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