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Iconic Manor House on Rathlin Island to Reopen Next Month Under Local Management

local news tourism Mar 21, 2023
Manor House Rathlin

One of Northern Ireland's most beloved and historic accommodation venues is set to reopen its doors next month under new, local management. The Manor House on Rathlin Island, a stunning property once home to the island's landlord, is leased to the Rathlin Development and Community Association by the National Trust

Earlier this year, the previous operators of the Manor House announced their intention to withdraw from the contract, leaving the Association with the task of finding a new operator to ensure the venue was ready for visitors in 2023. After assessing several interested parties, the Association was pleased to formally appoint the Cecil family as the new operators of the Manor House.

The Cecil family is well-known on Rathlin Island, with Michael Cecil serving as the skipper of one of the island's ferries and his wife, Shauna, and daughter, Shannon, having previously run a successful catering business, the Hungry Seal. The family brings a wealth of experience to the Manor House, and their firm knowledge of the needs of the Rathlin community makes them the perfect choice to take on this significant challenge.

Shauna Cecil is enthusiastic about the opportunity to operate the Manor House, saying that it is "a significant challenge, but we are determined to ensure that it is a centre for island life as well as providing services to visitors." The family plans to offer first-class overnight accommodation, as well as meals and refreshments for day visitors. With the help of previous staff, the Cecils are aiming to create an unforgettable experience for visitors to the island.

Visitors to Rathlin Island will be able to step off the boat and head straight to the Manor House for tea or coffee while taking in the stunning view over Church Bay. Shauna believes that after experiencing the Manor House's unique charm, many visitors will want to return to stay with them. The family plans to open the Manor House in time for the Easter Holidays, though they will take a few days off later in April to celebrate Shannon's wedding.

Emma Cunningham, North Coast Area Manager for the National Trust, praised the RDCA for their work in finding a new operator for the Manor House, saying, "I congratulate them on their work and send my best wishes to the Cecil family." The reopening of the Manor House is sure to be a highlight of the 2023 tourist season on Rathlin Island, and visitors can look forward to an unforgettable stay in this iconic venue.

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