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Irish Artist Joe Caslin to Enliven Downhill Palace with Art Installation

local news Apr 11, 2024

A collaborative effort between the National Trust, Nerve Centre, and Irish artist Joe Caslin has birthed an exciting proposal for a temporary art installation at Downhill Palace, as a planning application makes its way to Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council for the listed building.

The planned artwork, which would adorn the South Elevation of Downhill Palace, intends to fascinate the eye while connecting with the local community on a deeper level. It will also allow the National Trust to reach young people through new partnerships while telling the story of Downhill Demesne.

The project, spearheaded by renowned artist Joe Caslin and a group of bright young adults, aims to incorporate the site's historical and cultural significance into a current, community-centric narrative.

Downhill Palace, chosen for its commanding presence on the landscape and rich historical tapestry, is an appropriate canvas for this joint project. The project, motivated by the National Trust's dedication to engaging younger generations, is a rare chance to bridge the gap between heritage and contemporary art forms. 

The artwork itself will be a monument to sustainability, printed on biodegradable, environmentally friendly sheets and attached to the building with water-based adhesive—a tribute to both artistic ingenuity and environmental concern.

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