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Lammas Fair Heavy Horse Show and Memorial Tractor Run Honour Tradition and Charity in Ballycastle

local news visit causeway coast and glens Aug 19, 2023
Lammas Fair Heavy Horse Show

The great heavy horse display at the Lammas Fair is scheduled for Saturday, August 26th, beginning at 11:00 a.m. This event will take place at the Sheskburn House car park on Mary Street in Ballycastle.

There are two distinct aspects to the display. The gorgeous Clydesdales will be shown in one part, while classic cobs will be highlighted in the other. There will also be a specific sub-section for small cobs, giving a charming touch to the event.

Following the display of these magnificent equines, a thrilling procession featuring the horses will weave its way through the town's heart. The inaugural 'Martin Gillan Memorial Tractor Run' will take place immediately after this spectacle. This run will include a variety of vintage tractors and cars from Pat McKiernan's field on Whitepark Road. The parade will make its way through Ballycastle, ending at the Sheskburn House parking park.

The North Antrim Vintage Club has skillfully organised the entire commemoration event. The event honours the memory of Martin Gillan, a notable figure who, along with the late Stanley Jamieson, tirelessly organised both the horse show and the vintage vehicle run for many years.

Mark your calendars for this charming celebration of legacy and community, where history, tradition, and benevolence collide.

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