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Local dairy farmer wins M&S farming award

local news May 17, 2024
Local dairy farmer David Irwin

Local dairy farmer, David Irwin, has been announced as the regional winner of this year’s Only At M&S Farming Award in the M&S Select Farm Awards.

As the Only At M&S award winner for Northern Ireland, David was invited to receive his award during the Select Farm Awards ceremony on the retailer’s stand at this year’s Balmoral Show. The judges commended David for his commitment to the highest welfare standards as a member of the M&S milk pool.

David farms in partnership with his mother and father, milking 250 pedigree Holstein Friesian cows at his 400-acre farm in Ballymoney, and his family were founding members of the NI regional M&S milk pool 24 years ago. The milk pool is committed to delivering industry leading animal health and welfare, farm standards and low carbon milk production, in return for a fair, transparent and stable price for farmers.

“It is great to be involved in a group of like-minded farmers who have animal welfare at the top of their priorities, and the fact that we are the only RSPCA Assured milk pool is a testament to that vision,” comments David. “Our focus is not limited to welfare, however. We have recently started using a new methane inhibitor to help improve the sustainability of the pool, and other priorities include reduction in antibiotic use, and elimination of soya feed.”

Steve McLean, Head of Agriculture and Fisheries at M&S, said: "Every day, our Select Farmers go to extraordinary lengths to deliver great quality M&S food to our customers, producing lower carbon, responsible food, whilst protecting natural resources and driving innovation and animal welfare.

"From its inception, the M&S milk pool has symbolised innovation and sustainability within the dairy industry, and that is testimony to the hard work of its members. David is no exception, and he has long been a valued member of the pool, supplying milk of the highest standards to M&S stores across Northern Ireland and helping us to remain the only national UK retailer to sell 100% RSPCA Assured milk.”

As the regional winner of the Only At M&S Farming Award, David received a certificate and M&S voucher during a supplier reception at this year’s Balmoral Show.

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