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Major Tourism Ireland promotional campaign to kickstart 2024

local news tourism Dec 14, 2023

Tourism Ireland is kicking off its promotional drive for 2024 this month, with a major advertising campaign which will be seen by millions of potential holidaymakers in our top six markets for overseas tourism – GB, the United States, Germany, France, Spain and Italy.

The kickstart campaign during December, and over the Christmas and New Year period, will deliver almost 100 million opportunities to see and will include:

  • TV advertising in GB, the United States, Germany and France
  • Cinema ads in around 1,500 cinemas in GB, Germany and France, which will reach over 8.5 million people and capitalise on the high rates of film-going during the festive period
  • Digital and social media activity in GB, US, Germany and France – on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Pinterest
  • A ‘takeover’ of the Gae Aulenti district in central Milan – with island of Ireland ads running on 32 outdoor digital screens
  • TV partnerships in France and Spain, to leverage prime-time coverage and advertising slots during popular travel programmes

Alice Mansergh, Tourism Ireland’s Chief Executive Designate, said: This time of year is a key holiday planning period. Our kickstart activity raises the profile of the island of Ireland with potential visitors. Our content showcases ‘must visit’ reasons to come to the island, from scenery and heritage to culture. We will be advertising on major TV networks, in cinemas and on popular digital platforms, inspiring potential holidaymakers and setting strong foundations for 2024."

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