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Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens joins locals for a Service of Remembrance on Rathlin Island

local news Nov 21, 2023
Service of Remembrance on Rathlin Island - Geoffrey Moffett

The Mayor Steven Callaghan and Deputy Mayor Margaret-Anne McKillop have joined with locals for a Service of Remembrance on Rathlin Island.

The service, held in St Thomas’ Parish Church honoured the memory of those who have lost their lives in many conflicts over the years. 

Cllr Callaghan and Cllr McKillop laid a wreath on behalf of citizens of the Borough.

This brings to a close the several memorial services attended by the Mayor, to mark this year’s Remembrance Day.

The Mayor said: “It’s important to take time to reflect on the sacrifices so many people have made in the name of others.”

Remembrance Day services were held throughout Causeway Coast and Glens on Sunday, November 12, as communities honoured the great sacrifice the service men and women of the Borough have made to protect others.

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