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Mayor recognises the director of Fibromyalgia Support NI for her charitable work

local news Nov 24, 2023
Margaret Peacock

The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens has paid tribute to an inspirational local woman for her ongoing charitable work.

Margaret Peacock, Director of Fibromyalgia Support NI, helps sufferers throughout Northern Ireland as well as providing Christmas joy for the vulnerable.

For the past 30 years, Margaret has provided Christmas dinner and entertainment for older people and those experiencing loneliness. She also provides transport to and from the venue all free of charge.

Margaret relies on donations to hold Christmas dinner each year and she also contributes her own money to ensure that guests have a very enjoyable day. Each person also receives a small gift.

Welcoming Margaret to a special reception in Cloonavin in recognition of her work, the Mayor, Councillor Steven Callaghan said: “I was moved when I heard about Margaret’s charitable work in the area, and I am certain the members of her community are grateful for all that she does for them.

“What makes her work even more impressive is the fact that Margaret has been doing this vital work for over three decades now. She truly is an amazing woman and I hope her compassion and selflessness inspire those around her.”

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