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Mayors Recognises the Work of Age Concern Causeway

local news May 12, 2024
Age Concern Causeway

The Mayor has welcomed members of Age Concern Causeway to Council’s Civic Headquarters, Cloonavin.

The group have just recently secured funding for 3 years from the National Lottery, which will enable them to continue their Dementia support within the community.

The charity has been running for nearly 50 years, with a passionate volunteer force who help breed confidence in older people.

Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Councillor Steven Callaghan welcomed representatives of the group saying: “I would like to personally thank Age Concern staff and volunteers for the support they provide within in our local communities.

“I was very interested to hear about the charities Meet and Eat programme which helps to address loneliness in the over 55’s age group, and this alongside the funding secured for Dementia support will help many of our residents.

“Dementia is sadly a now common condition impacting more and more of us and the effort Age Concern Causeway puts into supporting those impacted by the disease and their families, is to be commended.”

Funding from the National Lottery will enable Age Concern to continue supporting over 90 dementia sufferers and their families across the Borough.

The group’s Meet and Eat programme, designed for those over the age of 55, aims to help those who are lonely, by providing a friendly service that empowers older people in the area.

Mandy Corr, Manager of Age Concern Causeway said: “Thank you to the Mayor for bringing us along to Cloonavin and highlighting the work we do within the community.

“Dementia is a ticking time bomb for our NHS and statistics prove it is an increasingly growing problem. When a loved one receives a diagnosis of dementia it is devastating news for all concerned. We must raise awareness of dementia at all levels to enable sufferers to live independently and maintain independent living for as long as possible.”

She added: “Councillor Callaghan has been a great support to Age Concern Causeway in his time as Mayor. He has supported several events that we have held and has shown a genuine interest in the work that we do in the Borough.”

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