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Mill Cask Ltd Seeks Planning Permission for Whiskey Maturation Warehouses in Limavady

business local news Jan 03, 2024

Mill Cask Ltd has submitted a planning application to Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council for the construction of two whiskey maturation warehouses, a forklift charging building, storage container, access, car park, hardstanding yard, and associated works at Lands immediately west of units 15 and 20 Aghanloo Industrial Estate, Aghanloo Road, Limavady.

The company has recognised a market need for long-term storage facilities for whiskey maturation, especially considering the recent surge in new distilleries across Ireland and Northern Ireland. Whiskey maturation generally requires a minimum of 10 years, allowing adequate time for the whiskey to mature.

The proposed warehouses are designed to store a maximum of 27,700 casks, with each warehouse having the capacity to hold 13,850 casks. 

This ambitious project underscores Mill Cask Ltd's commitment to supporting the burgeoning whiskey industry in Ireland and Northern Ireland. The new facilities will not only provide much-needed storage space but also contribute to the local economy by creating jobs and attracting tourists and whiskey enthusiasts to the region.

 The application will go before Councils planning committee later this year. 

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