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Minister Murphy says positive tourism figures set foundation for future growth

visit causeway coast and glens Aug 29, 2024
Geoffrey Moffett

Economy Minister Conor Murphy has welcomed the latest tourism statistics for 2023, which show £1.2billion of tourism expenditure.  

Tourism statistics released by NISRA today show that tourism here is in a positive position following challenges created by the COVID pandemic, with an estimated 5.4million overnight trips, 69% of these taken outside the Belfast City Council area.

The Minister said: “Tourism is one of our key successes and a regional economic driver across the north. These figures go to show that the sector is thriving. The statistics come on the back of what I know was a difficult period across the industry, but there are real signs of optimism across the sector as we emerge stronger. While today’s figures cannot be directly compared to previous statistics, undoubtedly £1.2billion of tourism expenditure is a significant economic boost. I am determined to continue to work with the industry to enable it to grow even further in a way that aligns with my economic vision of a productive, regionally balanced, net zero economy with good jobs.”

The latest statistics show that last year visitors made 5.4million overnight trips with 3.3million of these coming from external visitors, making tourism worth £0.9billion as an export business.

The NISRA figures also indicate that the benefits of tourism are felt across the north with over three quarters of our tourism businesses operating outside the Belfast City Council area.

The Minister continued: “Since taking up post, I have met with a number of tourism organisations and businesses and have heard first-hand the opportunities and challenges facing the industry. I have been hugely impressed with the industry’s optimism, energy, and ambition.

“I have set out my plans to support the industry’s continued growth and will shortly attend the first meeting of the Tourism Partnership Board (TPB) I have established to co-design and co-deliver an Action Plan which will set out a pathway to even greater success for local tourism.

“We have much to look forward to this year and beyond. The Irish Open will return to the north next month at Newcastle, and in 2025 we will host The Open in Portrush. Our tourism offering goes from strength to strength with many new hotels, attractions and experiences in the pipeline which has been boosted by the City Deal tourism projects.

“The outlook for local tourism is very positive, and we must maintain the momentum which has been created over the last few years to continue to build a tourism sector which can bring tangible economic benefits across all of the north.”

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