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New Starter Hut Planned for Portstewart Golf Club

visit causeway coast and glens Jul 24, 2024
Portstewart Golf Club

Portstewart Golf Club has submitted a planning application to Causeway Coast & Glens Council to erect a new starter hut within its existing car park at 117 Strand Road, Portstewart.

The proposed starter hut will serve as the primary point of greeting and security for golfers before they embark on their rounds. This initiative aims to ensure a smooth and even flow of playing groups onto the course, in line with the tee time schedule.

Designed to blend seamlessly with the existing clubhouse, the starter hut will feature walls finished in smooth render, and both the walls and the plinth will be painted to match the main building. The structure will also be equipped with aluminium windows on all sides and an aluminium door on the north-east elevation, maintaining the aesthetic coherence with the clubhouse.

The starter hut, located within the club’s car park, is part of an effort to enhance the club’s facilities. The club assures ample space in the car park to accommodate this new addition, and once constructed, it will integrate harmoniously with the site and the surrounding landscape.

Planners will consider the application in the coming months.  

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