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New Water Bottling Plant Proposed for Armoy

local news Jun 05, 2023
Water Bottling Plant Army

Armoy may soon be home to a state-of-the-art water bottling plant, as plans have been officially submitted to the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council. The proposed plant, which aims to cater to the increasing demand for bottled water, will be situated on a 1.6-hectare plot of land along Coolkeeran Road. The plans, put forward by MBA Planning, outline the demolition of the existing cattle market buildings to make way for the new facility.

The envisioned water bottling plant is set to cover an area of 3,242 square meters and will be equipped with water intake towers and a service yard. Interestingly, it will be constructed adjacent to an existing water pumping station, maximizing operational efficiency. The plans also incorporate provision for administration accommodation, a convenient car park, and an outlet retail area.

Architectural details described in the proposal outline the aesthetic features of the facility. The front of the building will feature a 3-meter high insulated concrete block wall, boasting a smooth painted render finish. Above this level, a green insulated wall with matching roof panels will seamlessly blend with the surrounding environment. Adding a touch of natural appeal, a weathered timber-faced panel wall will be installed above the main entrance, creating an inviting ambience for visitors.

If approved, constructing the water bottling plant in Armoy will contribute to the local economy by generating employment opportunities and meeting the region's growing demand for bottled water.

The proposed facility's strategic location near the existing water pumping station is expected to facilitate smooth operations, ensuring a reliable supply of high-quality water to the bottling process.

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