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No Air Exclusion Zone for Red Bull Cliff Diving Event, But Drone Users Must Follow Regulations, Warns Police

tourism events visit causeway coast and glens Jul 17, 2024
Red Bull Event Ballycastle

Good news for drone enthusiasts planning to capture the adrenaline-pumping action at this weekend's Red Bull Cliff Diving event in Ballycastle: police have confirmed no Air Exclusion Zone will be in place.

This comes despite the council's earlier advice that drones wouldn't be permitted from July 17th to 20th.

Superintendent Roberts said: “We look forward to welcoming both participants and spectators to the Causeway Coast from Thursday 18th July, as the event begins.

“Whilst an air exclusion zone will not be implemented, we would remind drone users of the requirements of the Air Navigation Order 2016 particularly in relation to the use of drones around built up areas and crowds.

“Local officers will be on the ground to oversee the safety of all involved and ensure any breaches of the legislation are investigated fully.

“We very much hope everyone visiting Ballycastle to witness the world’s best cliff divers in action, enjoy a safe and memorable experience.”

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