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Planners give green light for Unique Tourism Venture in Portstewart

local news tourism visit causeway coast and glens Jun 27, 2023

UPDATE: 28th June - This application has been deferred following objections at Council's planning committee to allow for a site visit.

Portstewart's historic Cromore House could become the backdrop for a unique tourism venture, as planners have approved a proposal to construct five-holiday bubble domes within the Cromore Estate.

The scheme, initially planned for eight domes but later reduced in scale, has been recommended for approval by planning officers.

The compact site will feature dome units blending into the surrounding woodland, with transparent living spaces that minimise visual impact.

A living space, bedroom, and bathroom are enclosed within three spheres in each unit.

Despite nine objections, the development's secluded location and integration with existing landscaping have been acknowledged.

Since the closure of a care home in 2014, the Grade B+ Listed residence, previously inhabited by the Montagu family, has remained unoccupied.

The project is expected to generate eight new jobs and be a valuable tourist asset for Portstewart and the Causeway Coast.

Causeway Coast and Glens Planning Committee's elected representatives are set to convene this week to make a conclusive determination.

Picture: Peter Quigley


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