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Planning Permission Sought for Concessionary Trading at Christie Park

local news Oct 15, 2023
Christie Park - Coleraine

Planning permission has been submitted to Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council for a concessionary trading site within the existing car park of Christie Park in Coleraine.

This proposal includes the sale of hot food and beverages, promising a new dimension of convenience and refreshment for locals and visitors.

Work would involve the removal of a grass area to allow for a new level tarmac finish to be laid. The tarmac area would also be extended with a line of drop kerbing to allow for trading vehicle access.

In addition, removable steel bollards would be installed and a cabin is proposed to house the connection to the power and water for easy access for those using the location. The connection would also be provided to the existing water line located in the toilet block.

Meanwhile, the location of disabled parking spaces would change to allow for trading vehicle access. This would result in a reduction of parking spaces from 30 to 28.

The application will go before the planning committee within the coming months.  


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