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Plans submitted for erection of additional silos at Lakeland Dairies

local news Apr 09, 2024
Lakeland Dairies

Lakeland Dairies, a prominent dairy processing cooperative, has formally lodged a planning application with Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council for 18 Creamery Road, Cloyfin, Coleraine.

The application pertains to the construction of 8 silos, along with gantry access and relevant infrastructure.

Renowned for its operations within Northern Ireland, Lakeland Dairies also plays a significant role in the global market, exporting substantial quantities of dairy products to destinations spanning the UK, North and South America, Asia, Africa, and other international markets.

LacPatrick Dairies (NI) Ltd – has expanded its operations over the years and now processes approximately 80 million litres of raw milk and 69 million litres of cream annually. It produces 33,000 tons of butter, 40 million litres of pasteurised milk, and 1,000 tonnes of cheese yearly, all sold within local businesses, in high street stores, and worldwide. Indirectly, LacPatrick Dairies' supply chain stretches across the community, with over 700 local companies supplying and supporting production.

The proposed development comprises the erection of eight additional silos within the existing LacPatrick Dairies site. Four of these silos are associated with the existing butter area, and four are associated with the existing milk area.

The silos are required for the storage and segregation of dairy produce to improve the efficiency of the production of the dairy produce at LacPatrick Dairies. 

The application will be heard by the planning committee later this year. 

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