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Plans Submitted for Refurbishment of Historic Bushmills Building

local news visit causeway coast and glens Jun 25, 2024
National School - Bushmills

The Bushmills Trust has submitted a planning application to Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council for the ambitious refurbishment and extension of the former National School at 40 Main Street, Bushmills.

The proposal, keen to breathe new life into this historic site, seeks to repurpose the building, built in 1846, as an asset which benefits the local community through a wide-ranging delivery of services and opportunities. 

The project team is committed to preserving the integrity of the historic structure. The School had two classrooms, boys on the ground floor and girls on the first floor. To retain both rooms in their original form, modern requirements (including toilets, lift, stairs, office, storage, and a training kitchen) are contained within a two-storey extension to the rear.

Developments include lowering and/or removal of some boundary walls with the prospect of linking the School with current proposals for creation of Councils new landscaped civic space linking the Car Park to the Village incorporating the old School.

The School is owned by The Bushmills Trust, a community-owned registered charity established in 2000 by community and business volunteers from the Village. The Architectural Heritage Fund has supported the Trust in its application to the National Lottery Heritage Fund for some £1 million in financial support. 

The extension's meticulous design is intended to preserve the area's historical character while retaining the long views from Main Street, thereby safeguarding Bushmills' unique heritage for future generations.

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