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Proposed Housing Development in Coleraine

local news Nov 21, 2023
Geoffrey Moffett

Plans have been submitted to Causeway Coast & Glens Council for a significant housing development in Coleraine.

The proposed development is set to transform the currently undeveloped lands west of Burn Road and bounded by Ballygallin Park, St Andrews Church of Ireland, Hazeldene Drive, and Mulberry Gardens.

The proposal outlines a comprehensive residential development encompassing 82 residential units. These units will be a mix of property types, catering to various housing needs in the community. Notably, 10 of these units will be allocated as social housing, providing much-needed affordable homes for the local population.

The development won't just be a collection of houses; it's designed to be a thriving community. Alongside the residential units, the plans include an associated internal road network to ensure smooth transportation within the area. Additionally, public open space has been incorporated into the design, offering residents green spaces for recreation and relaxation.

Landscaping features are also part of the proposal, set to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the area and promote a sense of well-being among residents. The development will also provide ample parking facilities, ensuring residents and visitors alike have convenient access to their homes or places of visit.

Access to the proposed development has been carefully considered, with plans for infrastructure that respects and integrates with the existing road network. This thoughtful approach aims to limit any potential disruption to the current traffic flow in the surrounding areas.

Furthermore, ancillary site works will be conducted to ensure the development is fully equipped with the necessary utilities and services. These works will be carried out with minimal disruption to the surrounding community and will adhere to strict environmental standards.

This proposed development represents a significant investment in the future of Coleraine. It aims to meet the growing demand for housing in the area while also contributing positively to the local economy during its construction phase.

If approved, this development will play a pivotal role in shaping the residential landscape of Coleraine, creating a vibrant, inclusive community that meets the needs of its residents.


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