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Proposed New Dental Practice to Replace Bed and Breakfast in Cushendall

business local news Dec 23, 2023
The Glens Dental Practice'

A planning application has been submitted to Causeway Coast & Glens Council for the proposed conversion of an existing bed and breakfast into a new dental practice at 18 Mill Street, Cushendall. 

The existing dental practice, currently located at Glens Medical Centre on Gortaclee Road, Cushendall, has found itself outgrowing its premises after eight years of operation. The need for new premises has become urgent, leading to this proposal according to a design access statement.

The proposal details the intention to convert the existing bed and breakfast into a dental practice, including all associated rooms required for dental operations. The architects aim to retain all existing external features of the building, thereby preserving the aesthetic charm of the area. Minor work will be done on the front elevation, primarily involving the replacement of the existing shopfront signage with new signage to reflect the dental practice’s name - 'The Glens Dental Practice'.

A new pedestrian gate is proposed to be installed at the rear of the property, along with a small ramp to the entrance on the rear elevation for level access. The internal conversion will be minimally disruptive to the existing structure, ensuring the character of the building remains intact.

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