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Public Realm Improvement Works Proposed For Ballycastle

local news Jan 16, 2024

The Diamond area of Ballcastle and its surrounding footpaths are soon to undergo a significant transformation.

A Proposal of Application Notice has been put forward to to Causeway Coast & Glens Council, focusing on public realm improvement works that aim to enhance the safety and enjoyment of visitors.

Currently, the intertwining of pedestrian and vehicular traffic poses challenges for both locals and tourists alike.

The new design proposal seeks to address these issues directly by creating a clear separation between pedestrian and vehicular pathways. This separation is expected to not only boost the safety of the area but also make navigation easier for all users.

At the heart of this redesign is the creation of a central pedestrianised space around the O'Connor Memorial. This space will serve as a hub of activity, encouraging visitors to gather, interact, and appreciate the memorial in a safer and more relaxed environment.

This project signifies a crucial step towards prioritising pedestrian safety while ensuring the preservation of the area's historical significance. The proposed changes are expected to breathe new life into the Diamond area, making it an even more vibrant and welcoming place for visitors. 

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