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Retail NI Launch Northern Ireland’s High Street Hero Awards 2023

business local news Jun 29, 2023
Retail NI - 2023 - High Street Hero

Coleraine BID is encouraging their local community to vote for their favourite Coleraine retailers in the Retail NI High Street Hero Awards for 2023.

The annual Retail NI High Street Hero Awards celebrate the impact independent retailers make to the local economy and communities in its annual celebration of the best of Northern Ireland’s independent retail sector.

A record 10,000 local votes were registered in last year’s competition which saw Coleraine along with Newtownards named joint winners of the prestigious High Street of the Year award and Coleraine based fashion retailer ‘Couples’ winning Fashion Retailer of the Year.

This year, Retail NI is delighted to announce a brand-new category for 2023 Best Green Retailer. To enter this category, retailers must submit a 30-second video showcasing their environmental credentials, for example, in recycling, energy efficiency or other measures. These videos will then be uploaded to the voting portal where the public will cast their votes.

Chair of Coleraine BID, Ian Donaghey MBE said, "Following on from Coleraine’s success last year I would once again ask our fabulous local community to support the amazing retailers in town by voting for your local retailers. The best butcher, coffee shop, forecourt, off licence, healthcare retailer, fashion store and high street, Coleraine is a fantastic town and it is amazing to see the hardworking retailers showcased in the awards".

All 13 categories officially open on Independents’ Day on Tuesday 4 July when Northern Ireland shoppers are encouraged to support their High Street and the big impact independent retailers make to the local economy.

Launching the awards for 2023, Glyn Roberts, Retail NI Chief Executive, said:

“Independent retail is the lifeblood of communities right across Northern Ireland and our annual High Street Heroes NI campaign represents the biggest celebration of our thriving local retail sector. This year, we’re preparing to mark our biggest ever showcase event and a massive celebration of the individual businesses who are the beating heart of our many towns and cities.

A second new additional category – Best Generalist Retailer – means the public can vote for any retailer not covered by an existing category.

Winners are determined solely by public nominations which must be made online by 31 July 2023. For more information on how to cast your vote, visit

Retail NI, which represents the independent retail and wholesale sector in Northern Ireland, launched the High Street Heroes NI campaign to recognise and reward local retailers and their impact on local communities – 70 pence in every £1 spent with a local independent retailer is recycled through the economy, supporting local producers, manufacturers and invested back into the community.

The hugely successful High Street Hero NI awards is a joint initiative powered by Retail NI and supported Camelot, Roam, Strategic Power Connect and Belfast Live.

Welcoming the launch of this year’s awards, Alex Green, Retail Director, Camelot, said:

“High Street Heroes NI showcases the excellent work that Northern Ireland retailers deliver every day for their local communities, and Camelot is delighted to once again be supporting the campaign.

“For almost 30 years, our 43,000 retail partners have been the backbone of The National Lottery and our continued support for the annual awards is just one way in which we show our valued partners that their fantastic work has not gone unnoticed. We wish every retailer the very best of luck and look forward to celebrating both the winners and nominees at the awards night.”

Andrew Bartlett, Founder and Chief Executive of Roam, said:

“Retail NI’s annual Hight Street Hero awards are a benchmark of excellence for the independent retail sector which recognise those businesses and the people behind them to go above and beyond to serve their communities. We’re delighted to be involved.”

Ruth Kimbley, Director of Communications, Strategic Power Connect, said:

“This year’s awards represent independent retail at its best and spotlight the world class contribution our local businesses make, their customer focus and being great places to work. New to this year’s awards is the ‘Green Retailer’ category. We would encourage everyone in Northern Ireland when voting for their favourite retailer to recognise the innovative steps retailers are taking to become more sustainable and give them the recognition they deserve in an ever-changing environment.”

To vote

Shortlisted retailers will be announced in early August, with an awards evening scheduled to take place in late August.

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