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RiverRidge Recycling Plans to Boost Environmental Benefits

business local news Jun 25, 2024

A planning application has been submitted to Causeway Coast & Glens Council by RiverRidge Recycling Limited, marking a substantial step forward in sustainable waste management. The planning application outlines an extension to the existing wash plant at 56 Craigmore Road, Garvagh, Coleraine, aimed at integrating a state-of-the-art water treatment system coupled with biogas off-take capabilities.

The proposed works include the construction of two new reception and pre-processing buildings, a DACS (Digital Automatic Control System), an anaerobic digestion and buffer tank area, an internal conveyor system, and an end product aggregate storage building. Additionally, the project will involve associated pipework and site works, all designed to streamline and enhance the facility's operations.

This initiative is poised to deliver significant environmental benefits. The new system will recover energy currently lost in the existing processes and substantially reduce the environmental impacts associated with the current washing procedures. By improving the efficiency of operations at the Garvagh site, the project aligns with the latest climate change and waste management policies and legislation.

The application will be heard by the Council in the coming months.  

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