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Stone Row Artists Transform Signal Boxes Into Colourful Masterpieces

local news Apr 26, 2023
Stone Row Artists

Stone Row Artists Claire from Bad Bird Crafts and Sarah from Sarah Mackay Artist are making waves in the Borough with their beautiful artwork. On a sunny afternoon, the duo took to the streets to work their magic again, turning their attention to the signal box outside Olivia's Haven lovely shop.

Claire, who gave other signal boxes on Stone Row and by Coleraine town hall a stunning "wild" makeover, brought her unique style to the latest project. Her vibrant colours and eye-catching designs have quickly become a hit with the locals.

Sarah, known for her stunning portraits and landscape paintings, added her touch to the project. With her attention to detail and precision, she worked on creating intricate designs that complemented Claire's wild and vibrant style.

The project has been a hit with the locals, who have been stopping by to admire the artwork and take pictures. The signal box outside Olivia's Haven recently opened shop has been transformed into a colourful masterpiece that stands out on the street.

Their artwork is quickly becoming a staple of the area, and locals can't wait to see what they come up with next.

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