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Success for Coleraine and Ballymoney as winners announced in Ulster in Bloom 2023

local news Oct 12, 2023

Council’s Estates Team is celebrating success once again this year as both Coleraine and Ballymoney scoop awards at the annual Translink Ulster in Bloom Awards.

The winners, announced last week at an event hosted in Lisburn’s Civic Centre, were highlighted for their hard work and dedication to horticultural displays from towns and villages throughout Northern Ireland.

Coleraine, who already holds the large town award for 2022, once again took home 1st place in the same category, while neighbours Ballymoney were awarded 3rd place in the small-town category.

Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Steven Callaghan who joined Council’s Estates team at the awards said: “This is a fantastic achievement for Coleraine and Ballymoney and I would like to personally congratulate every single person who has helped make it possible.

“Our staff take great pride in their work across the Borough, and it was wonderful this year to see our local primary school children help with town centre displays in Coleraine and of course Ballymoney’s main street looked fantastic.

“The Borough’s floral displays create a positive, welcoming environment for the enjoyment of our visitors, shoppers and local community while increased use of wildflowers and partner working with DFI roads, has also helped provide habitat for our pollinating wildlife.

“As members of the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan, this further recognition from the prestigious Ulster in Bloom competition is welcome news for our Borough as we continue to showcase our commitment to biodiversity and enhancing the local environment. Congratulations to all winners in Council’s across Northern Ireland.”

Noel Davoren from Councils Estates Team said: “We are absolutely delighted with these accolades for Coleraine and Ballymoney and would like to thank the judges from Ulster in Bloom.

“Our team works tirelessly in the background to ensure that all our towns and villages in the Borough look their best from our welcoming planting schemes to our work with local schools.  We have also recently introduced wildlife corridors in conjunction with external partners DFI Roads to encourage pollinators and help with biodiversity.

“I am pleased, that on this occasion Coleraine and Ballymoney have been recognised but I would like to thank Council’s estates team for all their work across our Council area.”

This recent success for both Coleraine and Ballymoney comes as Coleraine now looks forward to the Britain in Bloom results, held later this month.

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