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'Temporary' Ballycastle Sign Sparks Social Media Buzz

causeway coast community Jul 11, 2024
Ballycastle Sign

A striking new sign in Ballycastle has been installed as a temporary promotional feature, coinciding with a series of events in the area.

According to Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, the sign aims to serve as a 'talking point'.

In a social media statement this evening, a council spokesperson said 

“The Ballycastle sign has been erected as a temporary promotional feature and talking point to coincide with events in the area.

“These events will be televised on a global scale, generating excellent coverage for both Ballycastle and Causeway Coast and Glens.

“It was intended that the reusable sign would be a talking point for visitors and an opportunity to take photos for social media interaction about the destination, which it has succeeded in doing.

“Guidance was sought from planning before proceeding with this temporary signage.

“Council’s Tourism and Recreation Team uses various temporary signage throughout the Borough to promote events, this sign will be removed at the end of the summer season.”

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