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The Causeway Shantymen: A New Sea Shanty Singing Group on the North Coast

local news Mar 24, 2023
The Causeway Shanteymen

The North Coast is now home to a new sea shanty singing group, The Causeway Shantymen. Inspired by the recent popularity of sea shanties, local man, Barry Torrens (the founder and Captain of these merry ‘Seadogs’) has gathered a group of like-minded individuals who share a love for singing and the sea.

Sea shanties have a rich tradition as maritime work songs sung by sailors on long voyages. In recent years, they have experienced a resurgence in popularity due to their infectious rhythms and catchy melodies. The Causeway Shantymen hope to contribute to this trend and bring joy to their fellow North Coast residents.

The group has welcomed singers of all abilities and none. Barry stated, ‘the group is together to have a laugh, sing some sea shanties and eventually, hopefully, entertain others. I told those who have already signed up to be part of The Causeway Shantymen that the only rule is no negativity or moaning. This amazing group have already met and attempted some sea shanties, and we all pleasantly surprised ourselves with how well it went.’

The group meets once a week to rehearse throughout the Causeway area.

Barry has already been approached about bookings; he hasn’t said no to any but has yet to accept, ‘we need a good few weeks under our belts before we’ll consider going public, but I expect you’ll see us at some summer events.’ Barry hopes this new venture will bring community and joy to the North Coast and create a fun and unique outlet for singing and socialising.

If you want more information about The Causeway Shantymen you can contact Chris at [email protected]

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