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Top Chef Gary Stewart explores the wilds of the Rathlin Island food scene

business visit causeway coast and glens Aug 07, 2023
Tartine at Distillers Arms Bushmills - Geoffrey Moffett

Renowned local Chef Gary Stewart is a true advocate for local produce and the vibrant food heritage of the North Coast. His support for artisan producers, retailers, and foodie experience providers is evident at his restaurant Tartine at Distillers Arms Bushmills.

Gary eagerly supported when his good friend and occasional collaborator, Chef Rob Curley, announced a unique pop-up Slemish Market Supper Club on Rathlin Island to showcase the island's bountiful sea life. Gary is a Rathlin Island regular; earlier in the season, he invited his team from Tartine at Distillers Arms to join him for a day out in Rathlin, where they toured the island and explored this extraordinary destination's internationally revered birdlife sanctuary.

This most recent Rathlin Island adventure began at the local Rathlin Cooperative shop, managed by Ksenia Zywczuk. When not leading foraging tours, she runs the charming cooperative store that supplies the island with essential goods. Gary left behind his signature Distillers Pickle Sauce and Distillers Raspberry and Apple Sauce, which Ksenia agreed to add to her impressive collection of local products, including Broighter Gold oils and the Islander Kelp range, to name but a few.

As Gary made his way to the supper club, he couldn't resist a bit of foraging himself. He gathered some fresh meadowsweet to accompany the bottle of Paula McIntyre Gin and Troughton's lemon-infused tonic he brought along as an aperitif. Rathlin Island offers an abundance of wild foods, with seaweeds, kelp, seafood, and easily foraged edibles, making it the perfect location for Chef Rob Curley to create a six-course meal showcasing the island's natural bounty. The menu featured succulent lobster and crabs from Benji McFaul, Rathlin Seabites from Ksenia Zywczuk, and a selection of freshly picked offerings from Slemish Market Garden. Rob Curley is a culinary wizard known for his imaginative and unconventional approach to sustainable, authentic, and delicious food. Gary complimented the main dishes with a selection of ales from Portrush brewery Lacada

To further enhance the immersive experience, the lively ‘sesh’ style of North Coast Trad provided a fitting soundtrack. After a delicious lunch with great company, Gary couldn't resist some more foraging at the water's edge, collecting fresh seaweed before reluctantly boarding the ferry back to Ballycastle. The return journey was enlivened by the impromptu performance of North Coast Trad, delighting weary tourists and creating lasting memories of Gary Stewart's cherished destination.

 To reserve a table at Tartine at Distillers Arms or to check for your local stockist of the Distillers pickle sauce range, go to Tartine at Distillers Arms website now.


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